Katrina Stewart Photography

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What Instagram has given me.

People have many different reasons for using Instagram. For me, very late to the party, it started off as a quick and easy way to share phone images from my homeland. It's morphed into much more than that now. I've made lots of connections through Instagram and we have a fantastic community of "Instagrammers' in Scotland who organise regular photography meet ups throughout the country. This gives all of us photography nerds a place to hang out together and overdose on all things photography. 

At the end of November, l spent the weekend with a great group of women in a cabin on the banks of Loch Earn. The one thing that unites us is photography. We talked shop, got up early to witness the (disappointing) sunrise, headed out on a mini road trip and collectively oohed and ached over the photography opportunities. The mild weather and perfectly still day made for photography alchemy. Here's some images from the weekend.